The Realty Executives International brand was established over 50 years ago, while Realty Executives Santa Clarita has been the top brokerage in SCV for over 25 years.
Sophisticated, quality technology to meet the demands and expectations of today’s consumers. Our in-house tools save you money and time, keeping more money in your pockets.
We have FREE One-On-One training consultations with our technology expert on staff & regular training classes on a wide range of Real Estate tools and technology.
Realty Executives Santa Clarita's established brand, cutting-edge technologies, FREE training & 300+ agent network has kept us the top brokerage in SCV for decades.
Our brand represents real estate excellence and has for more than 50 years. Our progress matches the shifts in today’s real estate market, placing technology, marketing, training initiatives and service first so agents like you can meet the needs of well-informed, mobile, tech-driven consumers for the next 50 years.
We’re 32%* more productive than agents at other brands. For more than 50 years we’ve attracted and cultivated top performers. Here, you can learn from the best.
Keep more money in your pocket without increasing your workload. Our flexible fee structures mean you keep more of your commission upfront.
Our low-cost, cutting-edge tech tools, training and service allow you to run your business as you see fit – and keep you ahead of your competitors.
*Source: RISMedia 26th Annual Power Broker report based on closed transaction sides per agent.